Radio Fences are an automatic device that helps keep your dog within a specified boundary that you do not wish it to cross. Pet owners as well as their neighbors are able to live in a peaceful environment without any risk of danger from the dogs. In this way one can also do away with the hassle of installing expensive wood or metal fences, which are considered to be less efficient. Radio fences are also sometimes known as invisible fences.

The Electric Radio fences work in a very simple way. The wire of the dog fence is buried underground around the boundary that you have marked for it.  Different models require different patterns of layouts, so you may actually need twice the amount of wire that you originally intended.   The electric collar worn by the dog receives radio signals emitted by the wire. The wire in turn is connected to a transmitter plug that is fitted inside your home. When the dog gets closer to the boundary, the collar around the dog immediately senses it and sends out warning pulses, which gradually result in a slight static shock as soon as the dog crosses the boundary line. This, in any case, is not intended to harm the dog but only to scare it and prevent it from crossing that boundary in future.

Invisible barrier

Radio fences for dogs therefore create an invisible barrier for them that let them roam around freely and enjoy fresh air while remaining safe and secure in their owner’s custody. With the use of radio fences, dogs can be left unguarded in the front yard of the house. In this way the dogs would also remain in a good mood and would not feel the pressure of being stuck or caged inside the house. This may, in turn, result in less barking by the dogs and hence, less disturbance and noise pollution. Nowadays, some highly advanced radio fences are also available that may sound warning alarms in order to alert the dog owner in case of any problem.

The Radio Fences may require special training for the dogs especially if they are using it for the first time. Therefore, dog owners who are willing it to use them should consider this important so that their dogs do not get confused by the working of the device. At the initial stages, the dog must be made accustomed to the warning pulsess emitted by the collar and should be praised for staying within the boundary. An encouraging pat on its back would do this! Later, it should be tempted to go across the boundary to get him used to the static shocks that he might receive as a punishment. After a few training sessions your dog would soon adjust itself with the new device.

It Doesn’t Always Work

However, it should not be forgotten that Radio Fences for dogs are not suitable for all dogs. It usually depends on their nature and temper.  Thick coats can also sometimes interfere with the collar.  Some may get confused, frightened, over react, or get frustrated by the working of the device.

Nevertheless, Radio fences are considered to be the safest dog fences available so far. If you want your dogs as well as your neighbor’s safety and security, better go for Radio Fences!

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