Taking your loving puppy for his/her first car ride may be as stressful as taking your child out for the first time. Here are a few precautionary steps to let your puppy enjoy his first ride in comfort. First and the most important thing are to make your pet accustomed to the vehicle. Take your pet inside the vehicle without starting your vehicle engine. Once it gets used to it start the engine and let the puppy get familiar with the smell of the seats and mats. Once the engine sound and vibration becomes the usual and does not disturb the puppy try to give the puppy a small treat like a bone or any type of toy so that it can be busy with it. Then proceed for the shorter trips and whenever the pet shows any sign of anxiety or stress try to take the puppy out but not leave it unattended, as they are not familiar with the car.
After you have completed the maiden voyage then proceed with longer trips. The most important thing is not to let your puppy feel ignored at any point during the trip. It is most important to have a smile and cheerful mood so that your puppy can feel the vibes. Let your puppy go to the bathroom before the journey begins and be sure to stop every couple of hours. Try to talk to the puppy on a regular basis while you are travelling. Once your puppy starts having control of the situation and you do not see any type of anxiety you can take it for a longer trips. Be sure to take some precautionary steps like all the drinking water as well as refreshments for the puppy should be carried in cool container as during travel the body temperature of puppies get heated and it is needed to be controlled. Be sure to bring enough food for the duration of the trip as you might not be able to get food at your destination. Emergency medicines such as metrozytinol should be carried with the kit and should be readily available as vomiting during car rides is common scenario of puppies.